Educational Opportunities
United Women in Faith - a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month for a potluck and program at 11:00 am. Contact Pat Gallus at
Lay Servant - opportunities to serve the church and community through discipleship. Various levels of certification classes are held throughout the state. Contact Pat Gallus at
Emmaus - an experience of Christian spiritual renewal and formation that begins with the walk to Emmaus, a three-day weekend short course in Christianity. Weekly accountability meetings are held after the initial walk. Contact Bruce England at
Adult Study Groups - held before or after church, or weekday evenings. Contact Pastor Erick Hunter at
Outreach Missions
Bear Ministry - teddy bears of all sizes and shapes have been sitting in the congregation and present when prayers, joys, and concerns were shared. Each bear has been given love and is offered to anyone who needs extra comfort in difficult times. Contact Barb Jasper at
Food Pantry Crisis and Benevolent Fund - aids families in need around the Merrimac area. Contact Pastor Pastor Erick Hunter at
Prayer Team - sends cards to lift up those on our prayer list. Contact Pat Sellers at
Change To Make A Change - loose change in our Sunday offering goes to a different local mission every month. Contact Erick Hunter at
Youth Programs - Vacation Bible School in the summer and weekly Sunday School during the school year.
Contact Ron Phillips at